Galashiels Interclub Scores
Hi all
Please find the scores for each image below along with comments on the highest scoring images from Curtis Welsh.
Thank you
Secretary – MG

I was priviledged to have been able to cast my eye over the images for this competition and was very impressed with the standard of entries. It took me some time to draw my conclusions, but my original assessment did not alter after many viewings. Each image was viewed on its own merits and not compared with the others. Arriving at a numerical mark for each indicates where possibly an improvement may be possible … in my opinion!
Prints assessment…
Three images stood out for the following reasons:
A spontaneous taken image at the height of some violent weather. The scene depicting nature’s power crashing into solid objects is quite awesome. The breakwater forms a lead in line to the lighthouse which stands in the thirds position which gives the whole image a classic outlay to attract the viewer. The birds in flight add additional interest and give an idea of scale . Getting everything so sharp must have been a challenge in itself and I trust the author did not get too wet. A real credit in pushing the boundaries of a seascape, with some great tones in black and white.
Projected images assessment…
Two images stood out in my assessment of this group of twenty.
The author has been up and out early before sunrise to get into position for this capture, so that in itself deserves credit!
Not a unique image but a classic one with the castle occupying the ‘thirds’ position in the frame with the lead in lines of the rocks. The strong colours of the rising sun reflected in the wet surfaces give a warmth to the image and with the camera propped on a tripod with an low aperture setting give a sharpness from front to back. Possible use of a graduated filter to even out tones give this image an unclutterd and appealing appearance well worthy of wall hanging to give long lasting pleasure.
A spontaneous action image probably only seen whilst on location and with a bit of quick thinking the author has sprung into action to capture movement . Its position in the frame with a suitable long lens with room to move in the direction of travel is commended with great water colour to make the bird stand out. Simple but effective natural history image with a clear message.
All in all I was impressed with so many of the images presented, and would have made many plausible comments on many of the others had I been present on the night. It seems wrong to highlight only a few when others stand out in terms of composition, sharpness and content. My congratulation to all who made the effort to enter.
Curtis Welsh.
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