Message from Zoe

Hello all,

I just want to see how everyone is doing in these weird times. 

I hope you are all well and keeping a safe distance as best you can from those around you. It’s extremely difficult to do and heartbreaking not being able to give your loved ones a comforting hug. But if we all obey these rules then hopefully we can get back to as normal a life as possible sooner rather that later.

I’d like to thank Dave Cameron for his brilliant idea to present Photoshop tutorials via Zoom. Dave has presented a couple of these tutorials in easy- to-understand-layman’s terms. I know it’s keeping me interested in photography and helping to inspire me to try new techniques.

If you can, tune in to his next presentation and catch up on his YouTube channel if you missed them. He has also posted these on the club Facebook page. A very thoughtful gesture!

One or two members have asked whether the Annual Cups Competition can go ahead.

Stewart says technically, it can be done digitally as long as the judge is up for it. (This has to be checked out). But we need to see how all the members feel about it.

We can do the following:

1) a digital entry, (hand in due asap) Via

2) scrap it and just exclude it from this season’s presentations.

3) tote up the results of all the results from the season’s competitions, collate them and award the trophy to the member with the highest overall score.

Please let us know what you feel we should do as soon as possible.

In the meantime, as per the government advice, the club premises will remain closed until further notice. 

Please stay safe


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