

Darkroom – both traditional and digital

The Club has a darkroom with enlargers equipped for both monochrome and colour work. For digital work computing facilities, including negative and flatbed scanners, a card reader for digital camera media, and an A3 inkjet printer are available.


The Club meeting/lecture room doubles as a studio, with a variety of tungsten and electronic flash units. Backgrounds are available as either paper rolls or as curtains. There is also a model’s changing room.

Other facilities

The club has facilities for dual projector AV slide presentations, and a digital projector.

There is a small kitchen area where light refreshments can be prepared.

Also available are a mounting board cutting facility for making bevel edge window mattes and a small library.

These facilities are available for the use of the members at any time, except for Tuesdays and Thursday evenings and any other dates/times which may be specified for Club Meetings. Members’ printed copies of the Syllabus contain rules for the use of these facilities.

Subscriptions and fees

For the 2024/25 season the basic annual subscription is £70 (concessions £55). A reduced rate of £45 applies to new members joining the Club later in the season. These fees include an extra flat rate levy on all members to pay the Scottish Photographic Federation’s capitation fee.

There are additional fees for Darkroom and Studio – this is £40 per annum for both. Alternatively, infrequent users may hire the darkroom or studio at £10 per 3 hour session (£5 per hour after the initial 3 hours). The studio and darkroom must be reserved and paid IN ADVANCE.